The Amazon Dash Button has recently been available in Germany. Despite some criticism from data protection advocates and constant complainers, the button has some great applications. But first: What is the Dash Button? The Dash Button from Amazon is an Internet of Things button that automatically orders a previously configured item with a simple press. You set which product this is using the Amazon shopping app, and you also have to enter your WiFi data using the app because the button connects to the Internet using your home WiFi. The buttons are brand-specific, ie you buy an Ariel button, for example, and when you’re running low on detergent you simply press the button and Amazon sends you a pack of Ariel detergent.
This saves you having to visit the website, search for the article and complete the ordering process. According to data protection officers and lawyers, this is not entirely unproblematic under German law, as there is no reference to the cancellation policy. Amazon counters that the cancellation policy is guaranteed by the app, but in this article we do not want to go into legal problems and hurdles, but rather the opportunities offered by the button. Because the mere act of triggering something on the web by pressing a button also offers a lot of possibilities.
We at skillbyte have taken a closer look at the button (anyone notice the pun :-)) and hacked the ordering process. Instead of placing an order with Amazon, we simply send an email when the button is pressed (sorry Amazon). How does this work technically? To ensure the longest possible battery life, the button is generally in sleep mode. Pressing the button wakes the button, which then has to make itself known to the configured WiFi. This is done by sending ARP packets. This is exactly what we use and react to this handshake. A program running on the Mac listens for ARP packets on the network and thus notices that the button has been pressed.
The Mac program can then perform any action. We simply have n’t configured any products in the Amazon shopping app, so no products are ordered.
In the example, we have connected the button press to an IFFFT Maker Channel that simply sends an email.
The result can be seen in the following video:
What can you do with it? We see its use in the service sector as much more practical and useful than in the retail sector. For example, a service company could place the button with its customers and every time there is something to be repaired in the house (heating maintenance, repair of white goods, electrical equipment, etc.) the customer can press the button and a service technician will contact the customer within minutes. Of course, the customer can also search for and call someone using the phone book or cell phone. But isn’t it easier to press the button? Service companies could bind the customer to them in this way, for example by offering incentives in the form of faster response times or discounts if the customer is willing to place the button. Sending an email is a very simple action that can be carried out at the push of a button, and it is also conceivable to generate a service order directly or feed to ERP. One step further, the next available technician could be searched for and a suggested appointment made. As mentioned at the beginning, the areas of application are very diverse. Why should the button only be limited to Amazon products? A generic button could order beer, or search on different portals and order the cheapest item.
We at skillbyte see great potential in these IoT buttons and are in the process of building a generic infrastructure consisting of:
- Generic hardware buttons for use in retail and service
- Tenant-based cloud backend for receiving button signals
- Assignment of customers to buttons via the backend, also connection via CRM
- Triggering generic actions: email, ERP, connection to order systems, etc.
- Auditing and analytics (geo-based). Think of the possibility of tracking missions with GEO coordinates, displayed on a map.
- Device management and remote firmware updates
If you are interested in learning more, including about areas of application in your company, please contact us .